Academic papers and book chapters
Conference presentations

George et al. 2024, Lithos

George et al. 2024, EPSL

Guice et al. 2023, Precambrian Research 

Guice et al. 2022, Precambrian Research

Guice et al. 2021, Geosphere.

Guice et al. 2020, JGS

Guice et al. 2018, MDPI - Geosciences.

Guice et al. 2017, Ore Geology Reviews

Goodenough et al. 2024, Geology of Scotland Book, Chapter 3. 

Becker et al. 2023, Geosphere

Martin et al. 2023, Lithos

Guice et al. 2022, Cont. Mineralogy & Petrology

Pinheiro et al. 2021, Geoscience Frontiers.

Guice et al. 2019, Lithos.

Guice et al. 2018, Precambrian Research. 

A Paleoproterozoic record of modern-style subduction initiation? Evidence from the 1.9 Ga Pembine Ophiolite, Wisconsin (USA)

Authors: George L. Guice; Robert M. Holder;
                Daniel R. Viete
Conference: GSA 2022, Denver, Colorado (USA)

Re-evaluating the utility of spinel-group mineral chemistry as a geotectonic indicator

Authors: George L. Guice; Freya R. George
Conference: GSA 2022, Denver, Colorado (USA)

Subduction initiation in the Iapetus Ocean: when, where and how?

Authors: Daniel R. Viete; Naomi A. Becker;
                George L. Guice; James L. Crowley
Conference: GSA 2022, Denver, Colorado (USA)

Spinel-group mineral chemistry as a record of magmatic and metamorphic processes: evidence from the Morro do Onça komatiites, Minas Gerais (Brazil)

Authors: George L. Guice; Joana Reis Magalhães; Marco Aurélio Piacentini Pinheiro; Raianny Carolini Ramos Ferreira; Vinícius Tieppo Meira; Paola de Melo-Silva; Michael R. Ackerson

Conference: GSA 2021, Portland, Oregon (USA)

Advancing diversity, equity, accessibility, and inclusion at the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History: unique opportunities and challenges

Authors: George L. Guice; Michael R. Ackerson; Benjamin J. Andrews; Catherine M. Corrigan; Elizabeth Cottrell; Gabriela A. Farfan; Leslie J. Hale; Briana L. Pobiner; Daniel J. Rasmussen; Camila Souto

Conference: GSA 2021, Portland, Oregon (USA)

Metamorphic scales illuminate past tectonic processes

Authors: Daniel R. Viete, Robert M. Holder, George L. Guice & Freya R. George

Conference: GSA 2021, Portland, Oregon (USA)

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